
In May 2009, Oxford University Press published Gifts: A Study in Comparative Law, Professor Hyland's comparative exploration of the law governing the giving and revoking of gifts. It is the first wide-ranging study of the topic, at any time and in any language. Gifts was reviewed in legal and social science periodicals on five continents and was chosen one of the eight law books of the year by the German legal periodical NJW. 

Professor Hyland has contributed to the revisions to the Sales Article of the Uniform Commercial Code, served as reporter for provisions in UNIDROIT's Principles of International Commercial Contracts, and drafted an opinion for the Advisory Council on the Vienna Sales Convention. Professor Hyland has taught as a visiting professor at universities in Barcelona, Berlin, Freiburg, Graz, Hanoi, Kyoto, Lisbon, and Paris, and as a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Tokyo and Beijing. He is a member of the Order of the Coif, the American Law Institute, the International Academy of Comparative Law, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

At Rutgers, Professor Hyland was chosen by the student body as Teacher of the Year in 1994. He has received both the Camden Provost's Teaching Excellence Award and the Award of the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation for a Lifetime of Distinguished Teaching.  

Professor Hyland attended Harvard College and the Boalt Hall Law School. He also holds a DEA (Diplôme d'études approfondies) in French private law from the University of Paris 2 and an MFA in fiction from the Columbia University School of the Arts.

Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty, Professor Hyland worked at the law firm of Covington & Burling in Washington DC and taught at the University of Miami Law School. 




2009            Gifts: A Study in Comparative Law.New York: Oxford University Press (paperback 2012)

2006            The Commercial Sales Transaction: An Introduction to Commercial Law, with D. Patterson. West casebook. 2nded.           St. Paul: Thomson/West

  Chapters and Book Entries


2018            Should Judges Tell Us What They Know?

                        InCollective Judging in Comparative Perspective: Counting Votes and   Weighing Opinions, ed. Wolfgang       Ernst et al. Intersentia: Cambridge (forthcoming)

2014            Codification and the American Discussion About How Judges Decide Cases.

                        In Codifying Contract Law, ed. Mary Keyes and Therese Wilson, 205–218.Farnham: Ashgate        

2014            TheFondement.

                        In Les Intraduisibles en droit civil, ed. Alexandra Popovici et al., 75–101. Montreal: Thémis

2011            Môt sô nét co ban vê thâm quyên cua tòa án hành chính hoa ky, phân tích so sánh vói tòa hành chính câc nuóc thuôc hê thông dân luât[Basic Aspects of the Jurisdiction of Administrative Courts in the United States, together with a Comparative Analysis of Administrative Courts in Civil Law Countries], trans. Katia Hoang.

                        In Van Hóa Pháp Luât[Legal Culture: The Basic Theoretical Issues and Specialized Applications], 638–656. Hanoi: Vietnam National University Press

2011            American Private Legislatures and the Process Debate.

                        In Towards a European Civil Code, ed. Arthur S. Hartkamp and Christian von Bar, 71–90. 4thed. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer

2010            The RAF and the Vietnam War.

                 In Die RAF und die Justiz: Nachwirkungen des "Deutschen Herbstes,"ed. Volker Drecktrah, 237–275.                        München: Meidenbauer

2008            Fictional Truth.

            InEstudos comemorativos dos 10 años da Faculdade de direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, ed. Diogo                                  Freitas do Amaral et al., 1: 137–150. Coimbra: Almedina

2004            The American Experience: Restatements, the UCC, Uniform Laws, and Transnational Coordination.

            InTowards a European Civil Codeed. Arthur S. Hartkamp and E. H. Hondius,59–75.3rded. Nijmegen: Ars                        Aequi Libri

2002            Shall We Dance?

            InCodici: Una riflessione di fine millennio,ed. Paolo Cappellini and Bernardo Sordi, 377–400. Milano:                                 Giuffrè

                        Reprintedin English and Portuguese in, revista electronica de direito civil(2014)

1998            The Restatements and the Uniform Commercial Code.

                        In Towards a European Civil Code,ed. Arthur S. Hartkamp and Christian von Bar, 55–70. 2nded. Nijmegen:                                    Ars Aequi Libri

1996            Comparative Law.

            InA Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory,ed. Dennis Patterson, 184–199.Cambridge:                                Blackwell

1994            Note to ICC Case No. 5713 of 1989.

                        InGuide to Practical Applications of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of                             Goods, ed. Albert Kritzer, 7–16. Deventer: Kluwer,                                                                     

1988            Conformity of Goods to the ContractUnder the United Nations Sales Convention and the Uniform                                     Commercial Code.

                 In Einheitliches Kaufrecht und nationales Obligationenrecht, ed. Peter Schlechtriem, 305–341. Baden-Baden: Nomos.


Festschrift Essays


2012            The Case for the Common Law.

                        In Rechtsgeschäft, Methodenlehre und darüber hinaus: Liber Amicorum für Detlef Leenen, ed. Martin Häublein and Stephen Utz, 109–129. Berlin: De Gruyter

2007            Evening in Lisbon.

            In Festschrift für Claus-Wilhelm Canaris zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. Andreas Heldrich et al., 2: 1161–1180.                                München: Beck

2004            Sensibilité et passion.

                        In Ruptures, mouvements et continuité du droit: autour de Michelle Gobert45–59. Paris: Economica

2003            Dans la vallée de la Vie.

                        In Festschrift für Peter Schlechtriem, ed. Ingeborg Schwenzer and Günter Hager,69–78. Tübingen: Mohr                           Siebeck


Journal Articles


2014            Gift and Danger, Journal of Classical Sociology14: 45–53

2010            “Mauss et moi . . .”. Sur le droit des dons, Revue du MAUSS36: 409–417

2010            Gift, Law, and Political Reform, Revue du MAUSS36: 401–08

2002            Imagine Europe, Quaderni Fiorentini31: 801–818

1997            Draft, Columbia Law Review97: 1343–1362

1997            The Role of the Trial in American Law and American Life,  Yamanashigakuin L. Rev.37: 1–14

1995            Life, Death, and Contract, Northwestern Law Review90: 204–218

                        Reprinted in Japanese inWaseda Law Review73: 1–32 (1998)

1995            Pillow Talk, American University Journal of Gender and Law4: 77–103

1994            Pacta Sunt Servanda:A Meditation, Virginia Journal of International Law34: 405–433.                                                                Reprinted in Spanish in Del "Ius mercatorum" al derecho mercantil: III Seminario de Historia del Derecho                        Privado,ed. Carlos Petit, 360–381, Madrid: Marcial Pons (1997)

1994            The One and the Many, California Law Review82: 401–419

            Reprinted in French in Hegel passé, Hegel à venir, ed. Claude Amey and Henri Maler, trans. Jean-Louis                             Kara,179–195,Paris: L’Harmattan (1995)

1992            On Setting Forth the Law of Contract: A Foreword, American Journal of Comparative Law 40: 541–550

1992            The Spinozist, Iowa Law Review77: 805–835

1990            Babel: A She’ur, Cardozo Law Review11: 1585–1612

            Reprinted in: Postmodernism and Law, ed. Dennis Patterson, 127–154, New York: NYU Press (1994); Law              and Language, International library of essays in law and legal theory, Second series, ed. Thomas      Morawetz, 27–54, Aldershot: Ashgate/Dartmouth (2000); Clio@Themis: Revue électronique d’histoire du droit,trans. Françoise Michaut, no. 5 (2012)

1989            Hegel: A User’s Manual, Cardozo Law Review10: 1735–1831

1986            A Defense of Legal Writing,University of Pennsylvania Law Review134: 599–626.                                                                     Included in The Oxford Dictionary of American Legal Quotations, ed. Fred Shapiro, 291, Oxford: Oxford                         University Press (1993)


Encyclopedia and Dictionary Entries


2009            Max Radin. In The Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law, ed.Roger Newman, 444–445. New Haven:                           Yale University Press

1999            Gift; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; and Baruch de Spinoza—three articles for The Philosophy of Law: an                               Encyclopedia, ed. Christopher Gray, 329–331, 377–378, 829–830. New York: Garland

1990            Diritto soggetivo (nei paesi di common law)[Subjective Right in Common Law Countries].

                        In Digesto delle discipline privatistiche (Sezione civile)6: 433–439. 4thed. Torino: UTET


Book Reviews


2018            Review of Wolfgang Ernst, Rechtserkenntnis durch Richtermehrheiten: “group choice” in europäischen                                    Justiztraditionen.Quaderni fiorentini 47: 560-571.

2017            On Rereading The King’s Two Bodies. Review of Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life, by Robert E. Lerner. American                               Journal of Comparative Law66: 458-473.

2003            Roman Lawyers and the Holocaust. Review ofCartas Romanisticas (1923-50),by Max Radin, ed. Carlos Petit.                       American Journal of Comparative Law51: 457–470

1997            Review of Pasiones del jurista: Amor, memoria, melancolía, imaginación, ed. Carlos Petit. Quaderni fiorentini27:                         428–438




2014            Charles Reznikoff’s “Amelia”: A case study

2013            Richard Hyland on Vachel Lindsay’s “The Congo”

2012            Merger could undo university’s global initiatives,Courier-Post, February 26

2011            Harkness Goes to Law School, The Exonian, January 13

2002            Diamond Dairy Kosher Luncheonette. InCity Secrets: New York City,

  1. R. Kahn, 241

1969–84      Articlesin the Harvard Crimson






1986            Schlechtriem, Peter. Uniform Sales Law: The UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.                              Wien: Manz (drafted the final text)