Students pay attention to an instructor during a lecture.

Pro Bono & Public Interest

Rutgers Law School is committed to providing students with meaningful pro bono opportunities that instill an ethic of service, while providing much needed legal assistance to the broader community. Through the program, our students develop skills in professional responsibility, problem-solving, and leadership, while also internalizing an ethic of service that is central to the legal profession. Moreover, through their engagement in our pro bono program, our students enhance their legal knowledge and professional networks. The goal is for all Rutgers Law School students to develop the skills and inclination to work for social justice throughout their careers, whether in a public interest setting or through pro bono work.

The Pro Bono Program is informed and guided by American Bar Association Model Rule 6.1, which says that "(e)very lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal services to those unable to pay" and directs lawyers to provide pro bono services to "(1) persons of limited means; or (2) charitable, religious, civil, community, governmental and educational organizations in matters which are designed primarily to address the needs of persons of limited means."