
Dr. Peter Mancina is a cultural and political anthropologist who studies governmental power, policing, immigration control, everyday policy implementation, and social movement organizing. In addition to being a Visiting Scholar in the Center for Immigration Law, Policy, and Justice (CILPJ), he is Research Associate at the University of Oxford Centre for Criminology and Border Criminologies program. Dr. Mancina's research has examined the manner in which “sanctuary city” and “sanctuary state” policies in the United States operationalize, moralize, and normalize local law enforcement protocols for assisting immigration enforcement authorities in deporting individuals convicted of crimes. Mancina is writing a book titled Sanctuary City in the Age of Mass Deportation examining three decades of local experimentation with implementing sanctuary city policies in San Francisco, California. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Vanderbilt University, and his work has been funded by the United States National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, and the Rutgers Law School Pratt Fund. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Mancina serves as a consultant for non-profit organizations, local government policy-makers, and universities, and he has helped draft sanctuary city laws in San Francisco and for the region's Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority.



2022     Cultivating Immigrant Trust in the Garden State: A report on the Implementation of the New Jersey Immigrant Trust Directive. Center for Immigration Law, Policy, and Justice, Rutgers University. (with co-authors Samantha Hing, Patrick Johnson, Joseph F. Lin, and Diana Woody). 2021     The State of Immigrant and Refugee Rights in Alameda County: Final Report of the Alameda County Ad Hoc Committee for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. Oakland: Alameda County Board of Supervisors. 2019     Investigating and (Not) Disciplining Violations of Sanctuary City Laws." The Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 78(3): 641-660. 2019      Turning the Golden State into a Sanctuary State: A Report on the Implementation and Impact of the California Values Act (SB54). San Francisco: Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus, Border Criminologies, and the University of Oxford Centre for Criminology. 2019      Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary Power. In Reece Jones (ed.) Open Borders: In Defense of Free Movement. University of Georgia Press, p. 250-264. 2017      Making Immigrant Rights Real: Non-profits and the Politics of Integration in San Francisco. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 46(5): 551-553. 2012      The Birth of a Sanctuary City: A History of Governmental Sanctuary in San Francisco. In Randy K. Lippert and Sean Rehaag (eds.) Sanctuary Practices in International Perspectives: Migration, Citizenship, and Social Movements. Milton Park and New York: Routledge, p.205-218. 2011      Crisis-Management: Tzeltal-Maya Transnational Migration and the Foucauldian Apparatus, Dialectical Anthropology 35(2): 205-225.