Rutgers Law Welcomes Amy Miller as Associate Dean of Student Affairs

woman posing for a photograph

Dr. Amy Miller has recently been appointed associate dean of student affairs at Rutgers Law School in Camden, where she’ll oversee counseling and academic advising, academic integrity matters, hallmark events like Orientation and Commencement, and more. She holds an Ed.D. and MS. Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, as well as a BS in organization communication from Ithaca College.

Miller brings to this position a deep-seated commitment to diversity and equality in education, a passion for travel and exploration, and expertise honed in several key positions at the Wharton School of Business, including director of global immersion programs and associate director of academic affairs. Here, learn more about her goals for her new position and first priorities as she settles into her new role.

What about Rutgers Law School attracted you to this position?

When I first learned about this role, it felt like a perfect match for my personal values and expertise. Growing up as a military brat abroad, I saw many classmates miss out on college opportunities due to a lack of knowledge or resources. I was fortunate, thanks to a mix of luck and a very persistent mother. Driven by a desire to support first generation and underrepresented students like my high school classmates, I pursued a career in higher education.

Throughout my career, I've seen many schools espouse values of access and inclusion, but Rutgers Law isn't just talking about it—they're truly doing the work. I was inspired by the initiatives of Dean [Rhasheda] Douglas with the Minority Student Program (MSP), as well as the research and clinical work being done by both faculty and students, which provides incredible service to the community. Lastly, having spent most of my career working with graduate students, I felt I could make a meaningful contribution to the law school. I love working with students and find supporting them in their personal and professional goals deeply fulfilling.

What do you hope to bring from your previous experience to your new position as associate dean of student affairs?

In my previous role, I oversaw a portfolio of global courses that took students to regions integral to the global economy. I strongly believe that global education broadens our worldview, helps us learn about ourselves, enriches our lives, and most importantly, is a great deal of fun. The law school’s existing program that brings students to South Africa is fantastic. South Africa is one of my favorite places where I’ve run courses and, from an international law perspective, is a great case study. I hope to contribute to these and others’ efforts at Rutgers by expanding our international offerings.

Many students are interested in international rights law, and a program to Geneva with the UN would be a great fit for those students. For those interested in corporate and business law, London stands out because of its international banks. Two of the safest countries in the entire world—Japan and South Korea—are also great opportunities for study abroad, as their relationship to the law is baked into the culture.

As dean of students, I’m keen on finding ways for students to engage in meaningful and deep ways. You really get to know folks when you spend time exploring a new part of the world. As many academic outcomes as there are for global courses, that community building piece is a real value add, and a benefit that not everyone considers. And, it’s fun!

What are your goals for this position?

My predecessor, Louis Thompson, left big shoes to fill, and I aim to build on the strong foundation he developed. My overarching goal is to foster an environment where all students feel a sense of belonging and pride in being part of the Rutgers Law community. I want to create more opportunities for different constituencies (full-time/part-time, faculty/students) to interact and learn from each other. I hope my office continues to be a space where students feel welcomed, supported, and can always find a friendly face and a listening ear. In terms of improvements, I see potential in utilizing technology to maximize our work efficiency and effectiveness as well as streamline our communications.

What will be your first priority?

My first priority is to learn from our brilliant students, faculty, and staff. I’d like to sit in on some of the first-year courses to familiarize myself with the content and what it means to be a law student at Rutgers. As much as I can, I want to have that firsthand experience of what students are going through because it positions me to better support them, helps me learn more about their pain points, and introduces me to the opportunities where classmates and faculty can connect.

What are you most excited about in your new role overall?

I am most excited to start building a rapport with students. So many students at Rutgers Law are first generation students or served in the military, and that's a shared experience that I hope will enable me to form genuine connections with students.  As they get to know me, they’ll learn that I am who I am. I’m authentic and frank and will always give my honest opinion.

I am also excited to be a part of a community of scholars, students, and staff who are driven by a desire to serve and make a difference in the world. Seeing these folks in action gives me a lot of hope for the future.