Meet Our Incoming Class

men and women smiling in a collage of eight photos

Rutgers Law School’s incoming students include a National Guardsman, TikTok staffer, and Rutgers–Newark administrator. Here, get to know these new students and other 1Ls arriving on our Camden and Newark campuses this fall.

woman smiling in gray blazer
Romina Duarte

Romina Duarte is the first woman in her family to earn a graduate degree and a first generation law student. From Elizabeth, New Jersey, she holds an associate degree in criminal justice from Union County College, as well as a BA in criminal justice and a master’s degree in criminal justice administration, both from Boston University. Currently, the part-time Newark 1LE works for UBS Group as a process analyst.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
Rutgers Law was actually the only school where I applied. Rutgers was the university that gave my uncle an opportunity for an education regardless of his immigration status at the time, and even supported him with a very generous scholarship, alleviating the financial burden that my family was just beginning to wrap its head around. Rutgers Law also has a strong basis in social justice and in supporting communities often underrepresented within the legal community. Their part-time program was exactly what I had envisioned for myself, allowing balance between my work schedule and a rigorous, in-person program.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
I’m most looking forward to mentorship and community. Oftentimes, law programs stress the competition of the field and how cut-throat it can be within one’s peer group. The Rutgers Law School community so far has shown that support is a main pillar of its culture.

What are you hoping to accomplish during your time in law school?
I’m hoping to absorb as much information as possible and connect with this incredible community.

What are your career goals?
I would like to reach a point in my career where I can utilize my skills to help communities experiencing disparities in the justice system while still managing a balanced lifestyle.

man smiling in U.S. National Guard uniform in front of flags
Liam Hoagland

Liam Hoagland holds a BA in political science from Middlebury College and a master of public administration in economic and political development from Columbia University. The Newark 1L serves in the Army National Guard and is from Colts Neck, New Jersey.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
I chose Rutgers Law School because of its strong academic reputation, its convenient location in my home state as well as its proximity to major law and policy hubs, and its affordability.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
My parents are both attorneys and for my entire life I’ve felt like they could speak this really cool secret language. I’m looking forward to finally being able to converse with them on that level.

What are you hoping to accomplish during your time in law school?
I’m hoping to meet some interesting people, hopefully get some good internships, and set myself up for success after graduation. I’m also very interested in getting involved with the law school’s public interest programs.

What are your career goals?
One of my career goals is to join the Army JAG Corps. I did ROTC for four years in college and have been in the Army National Guard for two years, and becoming a JAG officer has been one of my goals since I was in high school. Aside from that, I’d eventually like to work in the public policy sector, specifically in areas like constitutional law, campaign finance and electoral reform, and protection of civil liberties.

woman in black blazer smiling
Syntyche Kane

Syntyche Kane holds a BS in biology from Howard University. This Burlington, New Jersey native intends to specialize in patent law. In her spare time, you can find the Camden 1L practicing hot yoga or hiking a local trail.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
I chose Rutgers Law School for several reasons. I was really drawn to the Minority Student Program, which places an emphasis on supporting minority students throughout their legal education, access to the Philadelphia and New York legal markets, and its great bar passage and employment statistics.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
I am looking forward to being involved on campus and being part of the Rutgers Law community.

What are you hoping to accomplish during your time in law school?
I hope to do well in my classes and become an effective attorney!

What are your career goals?
My goal is to become a patent attorney, but I am open to learning about different types of legal practice.

woman in navy blazer smiling with arms folded
Nicole Lema

Nicole Lema is a first generation law student from Burlington, New Jersey. She holds a BA in human resources and labor relations (SMLR ’19) and a master’s degree in human resource management (SMLR ’21), both from Rutgers University. The Camden 1L plans to pursue a career in employment law.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
I chose to attend Rutgers Law School because of the continuous support I have received from faculty, staff, and fellow students. Specifically, I was impressed by the Minority Student Program. Dean [Clifford] Douglas welcomed me with open arms and supported me as a first generation Latina law student, even before I received my acceptance. Rutgers Law faculty and staff are dedicated to building an inclusive and diverse community. In addition, Rutgers Law School has a rigorous curriculum, and I am excited to be challenged academically.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
I am most looking forward to the relationships I will build with my classmates and the discussions we will have. I am excited to be back in the classroom with individuals who are also eager learn about the law and how we can apply it to better our communities.

What are your career goals?
I’d like to blend my human resources experience with my JD to pursue a career in employment law. As someone who has had multiple jobs in the last 10 years, I have seen a gap in employees’ understanding of their rights as well as employers wanting to be in compliance, but falling short. Comprehension of basic rights is a shield and a preventative measure against injustice. By fostering a culture of education and empowerment, I aim to mitigate vulnerabilities experienced in the workplace, especially for low-skilled or undocumented workers.

woman in field smiling
Kelly Miller

Kelly Miller holds BAs in philosophy and political science from the University of Florida. This self-described foodie is from Morgantown, Pennsylvania. The Camden 1L is the first in her family to attend college and law school.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
I chose Rutgers because of its welcoming community, curricular depth, and amazing faculty.

What are you hoping to accomplish during your time in law school?
During my time at Rutgers, I hope to explore many extracurricular organizations, build strong connections with my classmates and professors, and gain experience through a clinic.

What are your career goals?
I am interested in intellectual property and fashion law, but I plan to keep an open mind as I explore new subjects throughout my law school experience. Eventually, I would like to become an in-house attorney for a major fashion brand after gaining a few years of experience in a large firm.

woman in blue college sash with hands on hips
Gabriela Moreno

Gabriela Moreno was born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida, and holds a BA in political science from the University of Florida. A first generation law student, the Newark 1L currently works as a client solutions planner for TikTok, handling ad sales for major food industry accounts like Nestle, Mars, Kraft, and more.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
I chose Rutgers primarily because of the flexibility of its part-time program and, most importantly, the people. What set Rutgers apart from other schools was how welcoming the staff was (a big shout-out to Dean [Matthew] Saleh). During Admitted Students Day, I realized the importance of having a community in law school because it leaves room for growth and understanding, which is exactly how I felt speaking with the current professors, staff, and students.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
I am looking forward to enriching my legal career through extracurricular activities focused on media, IP, or entertainment. I am also looking forward to connecting with more of my fellow classmates and building my network early on.

What are your career goals?
My career goal is to continue to fine tune my knowledge of the media/tech industry and focus on the commercial or IP side of it. I also hope to work with different types of media industries such as TV, newspapers/digital publications, or even the music industry. All to say, my goal is to make an impact in the entertainment/media world, whether in-house or at a firm.

woman in lavender dress on outside staircase smiling
Shanté Palmer

Shanté Palmer is the vice chancellor for external and governmental relations on Rutgers University’s Newark campus and a mother of three. From Orange, New Jersey, the Newark 1LE is a first generation college graduate and law student, and holds a BA in political science from Montclair State University as well as an executive master of public administration from Rutgers University (SPAA ’14).

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
During my 18-year career in public service, I worked full-time and attended school in the evenings. I became eligible for student debt forgiveness 10 years after completing my executive master of public administration at Rutgers–Newark. Student debt played a big role in my decision to delay law school. The affordability of Rutgers Law, particularly the part-time program, also influenced my decision. Additionally, working in the Center for Law & Justice Building as vice chancellor allowed me to see firsthand the significant impact of the legal clinics on the community. The Minority Student Program and the part-time program were also motivating factors to pursue my education at Rutgers Law.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
I look forward to growing my legal analytical skills and honing my legal writing skills, as well as the rigor of law school.

What are you hoping to accomplish during your time in law school?
I hope to incorporate the knowledge and skills I will acquire in law school to strengthen my advocacy as I further the mission of our anchor institution, Rutgers–Newark.

What are your career goals?
After graduation, I see myself as a practicing lawyer, utilizing my legal knowledge to advocate for a specific area of law that I have yet to define. This area of law will likely be closely linked to my nearly two decades of experience in public policy, labor, and higher education.

man in blue shirt smiling
Joshua Sperling

Joshua Sperling holds a BA in interactive media and an MBA, both from The College of New Jersey. A native of Marlboro, New Jersey, the Camden 1L intends to specialize in intellectual property law.

Why did you choose Rutgers Law School?
I chose Rutgers because [it] was the best combination of reputation, cost, and quality of education for my geographic area.

What are you most looking forward to as a Rutgers Law student?
I'm most looking forward to learning how the law interacts with the business and creative fields. There's so much I don't know and changing those unknown-unknowns into known-unknowns is the first step to really getting a handle on things. My interests lie in how the law will interact with the paradigm shift that artificial intelligence promises to bring to nearly all industries. The technology is just beginning to mature and the case law that comes out in the next few years will likely define the entire AI industry at its most transformational point.

What are your career goals?
I don't quite know where I want to shoot for just yet either in terms of my law school trajectory or career. My primary goal at the moment is to endure the famously difficult trials and tribulations of 1L without too many battle scars. I intend to apply for the Certificate Program in Intellectual Property Law and take as many courses related to AI as I can, but it's still not clear to me where that path will lead professionally.